how to start
Create a Paysera account or log in.
Add funds
Add funds to your Paysera account or use money you already have there.
Send SMS
Inform clients about promotions, discounts, special offers or send other important information.
Low prices for SMS messages and fast response allow to not only attract new, but also keep current clients, present products, manage client loyalty, strengthen brand awareness and communicate important information.
Price for one SMS:

- {[{ pricing.amount }]} {[{ pricing.currency }]}
messages are read
people prefer to receive offers to their mobile phones
times a day we check our mobile phones
Use the possibility to integrate SMS sending tools to your e-shop or website.
You can integrate "LightSMS" system to your website by downloading a ready open source library.
You can also perform integration using the application programming interface (API).
Use all benefits of "LightSMS".
+44 20 80996963
43 Gunnersbury Court Bollo Lane, London, Uk, W3 8JN